Saturday, February 28, 2009

Zuckerberg, the maker facebook

More than one hundred million world member now crazy about with social network at illusion world, facebook. com. via this site is user can expand inter-continental friendship, even return ”meet” with kith or long darling is not seen again after school parting. 
Axis president barack hussein obama even make use this site as one of [the] manner to reachess support in axis president election, last year. here's literary work mark elliot zuckerberg, a axis hebrew breed, one of the three founders facebook. 
Why facebook become famous? expert information technology, dr linda m gallant, assistant professor from emerson college, boston, give explanation, ”site internet usually present information and only get to what existence. this time cruisers is want to participate as site stuffing. facebook fulfil that desire. ” 
Why facebook chase my space, first biggest social network site at world before april 2008? conditon even change, facebook not again number two as written at site techcrunch. 

Site mashable (the social media guide) declares, design facebook easier is seen and explored with offered matters realer. for example, facebook offered another person approximately you know to -add (add)ed to so friend. my is space also hand you several friends,  but belong to hand ones from country all can be friend. 
Anything progress background facebook, name zuckerberg melejit to whole world have liked meteor. many users facebook that be ones elite world. facebook also be communication tool employees toyota, ernst young,  and company another world calibre. 
Who zuckerberg? he is aged boy 25 year and still single, information technology designer all at once boy berjiwa entrepreneur. moment learn at harvard university in the year 2004, he creats facebook with the friend, dustin moskovitz and chris hughes. 
Hughes then recruited obama moment still to be presidential nominee to make site barackobama. com. 
At facebook, zuckerberg responsible for general wisdom line affair and strategy arrangement companies now be struggle advertiser and investors. 
Zuckerberg get nick name as ”sa one person have an in with year 2008” magazine version time. in economy forum davos 2009, zuckerberg belong in young leader list because accomplishment and commitment towards society with potentially contributes idea to form new world order. 
That boy comes up in session ”next digital experience” in world economic forum at davos, switzerland. entrant other that present among others chad hurley (youtube), craig mundie (microsoft), shananu narayen (adobe), hamid akhvan (t-mobile),  and eric clemmons (wharton). 
One of [the] point interestings that given zuckerberg that more than 100 million person mobilely use application moves in facebook. iphone facebook has 5 million montly mobile user and blackberry to facebook has 3,25 million montly mobile user. 
Progress zuckerberg via facebook fly away to like rocket. in february 2004 when zuckerberg launch that program, students at direct axis opens account at facebook and from mouth to mouth scattereds up to clear away to school and university other. 
Zuckerberg and the team even also then move to palo alto, california,  and begin to hug investor, like founder paypal, peter thiel,  and founder napster, sean parker. 
In august 2005 zuckerberg officially call to company it facebook. after success gather capital 12,7 million dollar axis, he develops to company to level next. that site is gradually and consistent then expand network. 
In this time there more than 175 million mobile user with various facilities exist in that site. facebook now be site fourth most often visited at world. 
Of course successful zuckerberg membarengi with controversy. several the school friends accuses him steal idea connectu to facebook. but, that exercise accusation is menepis court. he causess consternation because assumed ”selling” account owner individual datas, without appreciate privasi. 
In the year 2006 zuckerberg amaze world because reject offer yahoo to buy facebook in the amount 1 milliard dollar axis (or around rp 12 triliun). one year then, microsoft buys 1,6 share percents facebook in the amount 240 million dollar axis. now economy value facebook estimated as big as 15 milliards dollar axis. 
Zuckerberg that born from rich doctor family has 20 share percents at facebook in the amount 3 milliards dollar axis. magazine forbes mendeklarasi zuckerberg as miliuner ”self made” callow at this planet. 
But, don't ask the individual life event, bot many that known. know, when at sma even also he berkutat with computer affair. at the time he wants to help network that has the father to confronted via illusion world. 
This habit is then clings and he forgets to learn. because computer affair and information technology here's he is drop-out from harvard. 
Ii don't know kill tme or not, facebook now flooded money. ”wondering also, so much offer comes, ” word zuckerberg to techcrunch in 7 decembers 2008. 
Bot many sentence other from zuckerberg besides the ambition then make facebook as pleasant as may be to so tool as one world member. ”do we have site, make you felt easier uses it? ” said zuckerber. 
Hmmm. . . . great zuckerberg!


Make district program uses vb6 and sql server 2000

Lately many schools in indonesia that taught to hit base computers along with duties that vertiginous especially at database application computer area. under this we shall give tutorial to will make district program from regency and provinsi. for we give java scope. may this tutorial can help younger brothers that still at school to can equip the database application duties,  or may be also this program can be used for the things work or entrepreneur, because i make as easy as may be. 
Tools that must be need: 
1 computer package that can burn and functioned (monitor, cpu, keyboard, mouse) 

OS that used: 
Windows xp (supposed) (can at download torrent at windows xp sp3)
Other windows also allow that can installing vb and sql 
Software that used: 
Application sql server 2000 
Visual application basic 6.0 (can at download using torrent at vb6 enterprise edition)
Componentone true dbgrid 7.0 (can at download at  true dbgrid 7.0)
When all devices been prepared please read instruction next: 
My step: 
- Activate database that aimed at sql server 2000 (when still not yet has database do create database by click right" databases" be computer name exist in sql server 2000 then click new database (in example next use dbgeneral). see picture next: 
- After done data election (select database) or data maker create database). choose" sql query analyzer" at menu tools then press button to execute or query - execute. see picture next 
- Copy script under this use sql query analyzer. 
if exists (select name from master. dbo. sysdatabases where name = n'dbgeneral) 
deliver database [dbgeneral 
create database [dbgeneral on (name = n'dbgeneral_data, filename = n'c: \program files\microsoft sql server\mssql\data\dbgeneral_data. mdf, size = 1, filegrowth = 10%) logarithm on (name = n'dbgeneral_log, filename = n'c: \program files\microsoft sql server\mssql\data\dbgeneral_log. ldf, size = 1, filegrowth = 10%) 
collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'autoclose, n'true 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'bulkcopy, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'trunc. logarithm, n'true 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'torn page detection, n'true 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'read only, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'dbo use, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'single, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'autoshrink, n'true 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'ansi null default, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'recursive triggers, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'ansi nulls, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'concat null yields null, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'cursor close on commit, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'default to local cursor, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'quoted identifier, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'ansi warnings, n'false 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'auto create statistics, n'true 
exec sp_dboption n'dbgeneral, n'auto update statistics, n'true 
use [dbgeneral 
if exists (select sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo. [fk_tblkecamatan_tblkabupaten]) and objectproperty(id, n'isforeignkey) = 1) 
alter table [dbo. [tblkecamatan deliver constraint fk_tblkecamatan_tblkabupaten 
if exists (select from dbo. sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo. [fk_tblkabupaten_tblprovinsi]) and objectproperty(id, n'isforeignkey) = 1) 
alter table [dbo. [tblkabupaten deliver constraint fk_tblkabupaten_tblprovinsi 
if exists (select from dbo. sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo. [tblkabupaten]) and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable) = 1) 
deliver table [dbo. [tblkabupaten 
if exists (select from dbo. sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo. [tblkecamatan]) and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable) = 1) 
deliver table [dbo. [tblkecamatan 
if exists (select from dbo. sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo. [tblprovinsi]) and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable) = 1) 
deliver table [dbo. [tblprovinsi 
create table [dbo. [tblkabupaten ( 
[code provinsi [varchar (10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as musical note null, 
regency [code [varchar (10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as musical note null, 
regency [name [varchar (25) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null, 
[username [varchar (30) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null, 
[date [datetime null 
) on [primary 
create table [dbo. [tblkecamatan ( 
[code provinsi [varchar (10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as musical note null, 
regency [code [varchar (10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as musical note null, 
district [code [varchar (10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as musical note null, 
district [name [varchar (25) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null, 
[username [varchar (30) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null, 
[date [datetime null 
) on [primary 
create table [dbo. [tblprovinsi ( 
[code provinsi [varchar (10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as musical note null, 
[name provinsi [varchar (25) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null, 
[username [varchar (30) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null, 
[date [datetime null 
) on [primary 
alter table [dbo. [tblkabupaten with nocheck add 
constraint [pk_tblkabupaten primary key clustered 
[code provinsi, 
regency [code 
) on [primary 
alter table [dbo. [tblkecamatan with nocheck add 
constraint [pk_tblkecamatan primary key clustered 
[code provinsi, 
regency [code, 
district [code 
) on [primary 
alter table [dbo. [tblprovinsi with nocheck add 
constraint [pk_tblprovinsi primary key clustered 
[code provinsi 
) on [primary 
alter table [dbo. [tblkabupaten with nocheck add 
constraint [df_tblkabupaten_nama default regency (' ') for regency [name, 
constraint [df_tblkabupaten_username default ('renceman) for [username, 
constraint [df_tblkabupaten_tanggal default (getdate() for [date 
alter table [dbo. [tblkecamatan with nocheck add 
constraint [df_tblkecamatan_nama default district (' ') for district [name, 
constraint [df_tblkecamatan_username default ('renceman) for [username, 
constraint [df_tblkecamatan_tanggal default (getdate() for [date 
alter table [dbo. [tblprovinsi with nocheck add 
constraint [df_tblprovinsi_nama provinsi default (' ') for [name provinsi, 
constraint [df_tblprovinsi_username default ('renceman) for [username, 
constraint [df_tblprovinsi_tanggal default (getdate() for [date 
alter table [dbo. [tblkabupaten add 
constraint [fk_tblkabupaten_tblprovinsi foreign key 
[code provinsi 
) references [dbo. [tblprovinsi ( 
[code provinsi 
) on update cascade 
alter table [dbo. [tblkecamatan add 
constraint [fk_tblkecamatan_tblkabupaten foreign key 
[code provinsi, 
regency [code 
) references [dbo. [tblkabupaten ( 
[code provinsi, 
regency [code 
) on update cascade 
To dbgeneral can at change by find replace as according to database name that at will go, the example at this site uses database dbgeneral. see be picture: 
For database maker finished. 
step ii: 
- Program maker clicks program maker uses vb6


Program maker uses visual basic 6

Many company that use visual program basic 6.0 to run the system according to elektronic. this program is very simple and easy to at understand and studied. 
Visual microsoft basic (often abbreviated as vb) be a programming language has event driven and offered integrated development environment (idea) visual to make application program based on windows microsoft operating system by using programming model common object model (com). 
Visual basic be language descendant basic and offered computer application development based on graph swiftly, access to data base uses data access objects (dao), remote data objects (rdo),  or activex data object (ado), with offered control maker activex and object activex. several script languages likes visual basic for applications (vba) and visual basic scripting edition (vbscript), resemble as does visual basic,  but different the work manner. 
Programmer can build application by using components that provided by visual microsoft basic programs that written with visual basic also can use fire windows, but want addition external function declaration. 
In programming for business, visual basic has market segment very vast. in a survey that done in the year 2005,62% software developers is reported to use various visual form basic, followed by c++, javascript, c#,  and java. 
We continue to make district program follows. 
Program maker to provinsi 
My step: 
- Open visual program basic you by click" start menu" -->" all programs" -->" studio visual microsoft 6.0" -->" visual microsoft basic 6.0" . 
- Then choose" vb enterprise edition controls" then press button" open" . 
- Then name project" project1" at fox is prjkecamatan. and" form1" changed to be frmprovinsi. 
- Then choose component use manner clicks" project" -->" components" . see picture under 
- Then choose" componentone true dbgrid pros 7.0 (oledb)" . see picture under. 
- Then make 2 labels, 6 commandbutton,  and 1 tdbgrid. see picture next. 
- Then change properties with rule: 

* Form1
Name = frmProvinsi
Caption = PROVINSI
BorderStyle = 1 - Fixed Single
StartUpPosition = 2 - Center Screen
Height = 4590
Width = 4560

* Label1
Autosize = True
Caption = Kode Provinsi
Top = 180
Left = 383

* Label2
Autosize = True
Caption = Nama Provinsi
Top = 630
Left = 383

* Text1
Name = txtKodeProvinsi
Text tidak usah diisi
Height = 350
MaxLength =10
Width = 2505
Top = 90
Left = 1553

* Text2
Name = txtNamaProvinsi
Text tidak usah diisi
Height = 350
MaxLength = 25
Width = 2505
Top = 540
Left = 1553

* CommandButton1
Caption = &Baru
Name = cmdBaru
Top = 435
Height = 1020
Width = 945
Left = 780

* CommandButton2
Caption = &Koreksi
Name = cmdKoreksi
Top = 1470
Height = 435
Width = 945
Left = 780

* CommandButton3
Caption = &Simpan
Name = cmdSimpan
Top = 1020
Height = 435
Width = 945
Left = 1740

* CommandButton4
Caption = Bata&l
Name = cmdBatal
Top = 1470
Height = 435
Width = 945
Left = 1740

* CommandButton5
Caption = &Hapus
Name = cmdHapus
Top = 1020
Height = 435
Width = 945
Left = 2700

* CommandButton6
Caption = K&eluar
Name = cmdKeluar
Top = 1470
Height = 435
Width = 945
Left = 2700

* TDBGrid1
Name = tdgProvinsi
.Column(00).Caption = Kode
.Column(00).DataField = Kode Provinsi
.Column(01).Caption = Nama
.Column(01).DataField = Nama Provinsi

So that the result likes under this: 


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Friday, February 27, 2009

Earning with linkpayer

Quick Tutorial:
Let's suppose you want post a link on your blog or web site about a car video that you saw on YouTube, let's say that link is

Visit the link generator and create a replacement link for the above Youtube Link, post this new link instead of the YouTube link.

When somebody clicks on the newly generated link, it will still take them to the car video, but instead of going directly to the web site, they will first be presented with an advertising page.

These pages can be full page, with or without popup advertisements, or the user can go directly to the page with text advertisements at the top.
(See the FAQ area for detailed information of the different available options)

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Click here to view the new, replacement link for the above YouTube example.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Boost SEO with ask2link

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Click banner below to register
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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Monday, February 23, 2009

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to create link banner

Dizziness also learn a blog. But with the spirit which is always enthusiastic finally I can also find information about the link banner. Several days ago, I acquainted people india, he was excellent. In posting this time that he can help me to install this banner link. If you want to see the link click here only. I already try some blogwalking was difficult also forged it. Thanks brow up support. Here I provide the steps.

1. Log in to
2. Select the images that are suitable in accordance with the theme of your blog
3. Create a text area with the coding please download here
4. Done

Hopefully You can create it and if you finish it leave your comments here .... ya brow


Friday, February 20, 2009

What is AdSense for feeds?

AdSense for feeds allows web publishers to earn by placing targeted Google ads in their feeds. AdSense for feeds works the way the rest of the AdSense program works: by delivering ads that are relevant to your content and your readers.

Like other AdSense ads, feed ads can be paid in two ways: by click, or by impression. Feed ads can also be targeted in two ways.

contextually targeted to the content in your feed
targeted by advertisers to your specific feed when you set up an ad placement
You can control the frequency, appearance, and positioning of Google ads in your feeds. The ad size is automatically determined based on where your feed is appearing.


My blog using do follow

After so long to learn blogging and finally have to learn to do the follow also accomplished. Already many of the blog will be of no follow do follow.Although I wong deso I also want to do follow-up ngerubah follow. Because the merchandise can also link through ask2link.

With comments on this blog you will be able to get free backlink.Profits do follow that can attract visitors to comment. As well as vice versa, if you do follow the granting of the comments will get backlink to his blog, but with a note of the comments are well-written name and blog url link to its data when filling comments, not with a blogger

Then how do I change the blog to be no follow do follow? This is the tutorial is:
1. In the edit html, you must first save the template to its
2. Check on the "Expand Widgets Templates"
3. Search (CTRL + F) code: 'data: comment.authorUrl' rel = 'nofollow'
4. Remove any posts that red line = 'nofollow' above
5. Save, done ..


How to remove W32.Downadup.B worm manually

Manual removal of W32.Downadup.B worm is a feasible objective if you have sufficient expertise in dealing with program files, processes, .dll files and registry entries.

The files to be deleted are listed below:

* svchost.exe
* explorer.exe
* services.exe
* %System%\[Random].dll
* %Program Files%\Internet Explorer\[Random].dll

* %Program Files%\Movie Maker\[Random].dll
* %All Users Application Data%\[Random].dll
* %Temp%\[Random].dll

The registry entries that need to be removed are as follows:

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHO WALLCheckedValue = dword:00000000
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost, netsvcs = %Previous data% and %Random%
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[random]\Parameters
ServiceDll = %MalwarePath%

Please, be aware that manual removal of W32.Downadup.B worm is a cumbersome process and does not always ensure complete deletion of the malware, due to the fact that some files might be hidden or may get reanimated automatically afterwards. Moreover, manual interference of this kind may cause damage to the system. That’s why we strongly recommend automatic removal of W32.Downadup.B, which will save your time and enable avoiding any system malfunctions and guarantee the needed result.


Technical Details w32.downadup.b

Once executed, the worm checks for the presence of the following registry entries and if not present will create them:

* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\"dl" = "0"
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\"dl" = "0"

* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\"ds" = "0"
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\"ds" = "0"

It then copies itself as one or more of the following files:

* %ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
* %ProgramFiles%\Movie Maker\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
* %System%\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
* %Temp%\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
* C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data \[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll

It creates a new service with the following characteristics:
Service name: [PATH TO WORM]
Startup Type: Automatic

Next, it registers as a service, by creating the following registry entries:

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[WORM GENERATED SERVICE NAME]\Parameters\"ServiceDll" = "[PATH TO WORM]"
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[WORM GENERATED SERVICE NAME]\"ImagePath" = %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[WORM GENERATED SERVICE NAME]\"ErrorControl" = "4"

Note: [WORM GENERATED SERVICE NAME] represents a two word combination taken from a list of the following words:

* Boot
* Center
* Config
* Driver
* Helper
* Image
* Installer
* Manager
* Microsoft
* Monitor
* Network
* Security
* Server
* Shell
* Support
* System
* Task
* Time
* Universal
* Update
* Windows

The worm creates the following registry entry, so that it runs every time Windows starts:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"[RANDOM NAME]" = "rundll32.exe "[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll", ydmmgvos"

Next, the worm deletes any System Restore points created by the user.

The worm then runs a command that speeds up network access on the compromised computer by disabling the Windows Vista TCP/IP auto-tuning to spread more rapidly.

The worm also modifies the following registry entry so that the worm spreads more rapidly across a network:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\"TcpNumConnections" = "00FFFFFE"

Next the worm stops both of the following Windows services:

* Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
* Windows Automatic Update Service (wuauserv)

The worm then modifies the following file in order to disable the half-open connections limit introduced with Windows XP SP2:

It also attempts to hide itself on the system by modifying the following registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL\"CheckedValue" = "0"

Next, the worm enumerates available ADMIN$ network shares. It then enumerates the users for those shares and attempts to establish a connection as an existing user, with one of the following passwords:

* 000
* 0000
* 00000
* 0000000
* 00000000
* 0987654321
* 111
* 1111
* 11111
* 111111
* 1111111
* 11111111
* 123
* 123123
* 12321
* 123321
* 1234
* 12345
* 123456
* 1234567
* 12345678
* 123456789
* 1234567890
* 1234abcd
* 1234qwer
* 123abc
* 123asd
* 123qwe
* 1q2w3e
* 222
* 2222
* 22222
* 222222
* 2222222
* 22222222
* 321
* 333
* 3333
* 33333
* 333333
* 3333333
* 33333333
* 4321
* 444
* 4444
* 44444
* 444444
* 4444444
* 44444444
* 54321
* 555
* 5555
* 55555
* 555555
* 5555555
* 55555555
* 654321
* 666
* 6666
* 66666
* 666666
* 6666666
* 66666666
* 7654321
* 777
* 7777
* 77777
* 777777
* 7777777
* 77777777
* 87654321
* 888
* 8888
* 88888
* 888888
* 8888888
* 88888888
* 987654321
* 999
* 9999
* 99999
* 999999
* 9999999
* 99999999
* a1b2c3
* aaa
* aaaa
* aaaaa
* abc123
* academia
* access
* account
* Admin
* admin
* admin1
* admin12
* admin123
* adminadmin
* administrator
* anything
* asddsa
* asdfgh
* asdsa
* asdzxc
* backup
* boss123
* business
* campus
* changeme
* cluster
* codename
* codeword
* coffee
* computer
* controller
* cookie
* customer
* database
* default
* desktop
* domain
* example
* exchange
* explorer
* file
* files
* foo
* foobar
* foofoo
* forever
* freedom
* fuck
* games
* home
* home123
* ihavenopass
* Internet
* internet
* intranet
* job
* killer
* letitbe
* letmein
* login
* Login
* lotus
* love123
* manager
* market
* money
* monitor
* mypass
* mypassword
* mypc123
* nimda
* nobody
* nopass
* nopassword
* nothing
* office
* oracle
* owner
* pass
* pass1
* pass12
* pass123
* passwd
* password
* Password
* password1
* password12
* password123
* private
* public
* pw123
* q1w2e3
* qazwsx
* qazwsxedc
* qqq
* qqqq
* qqqqq
* qwe123
* qweasd
* qweasdzxc
* qweewq
* qwerty
* qwewq
* root
* root123
* rootroot
* sample
* secret
* secure
* security
* server
* shadow
* share
* sql
* student
* super
* superuser
* supervisor
* system
* temp
* temp123
* temporary
* temptemp
* test
* test123
* testtest
* unknown
* web
* windows
* work
* work123
* xxx
* xxxx
* xxxxx
* zxccxz
* zxcvb
* zxcvbn
* zxcxz
* zzz
* zzzz
* zzzzz

Note: Depending on the account lockout settings, multiple authentication attempts by the worm may result in those accounts becoming locked out.

If successful, the worm copies itself to the share as the following file:

It then creates a scheduled job on the remote server to run daily consisting of the following command:

Next, the worm connects to the following URLs to obtain the IP address of the compromised computer:


The worm creates a firewall rule on the local network gateway device that allows remote attackers to connect to and download from the compromised computer's external IP address through a random port.

The worm then creates an HTTP server on the compromised computer on a random port in the following format:

It then sends this URL to remote computers.

The worm then attempts to spread by exploiting the following vulnerability so that remote computers will connect to the above named URL and download the worm:
Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (BID 31874)

The worm then attempts to copy itself to any accessible mapped drive as the following file:
%DriveLetter%\RECYCLER\S-%d-%d-%d-%d%d%d-%d%d%d-%d%d%d-%d\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll

The worm also attempts to create the following file on any accessible mapped drive so that it executes whenever the drive is accessed:

It also monitors the compromised computer for any additional new drives and then attempts to infect any newly added drives in the same way.

The worm hooks a number of Window API calls in order to spread and to make removal more difficult.

The worm also hooks the NetpwPathCanonicalize API and when it is called, it checks the length of PathName in order to avoid exploiting the vulnerability further. If the PathName contains a signature the worm originally has, the PathName may contain an encrypted URL as well from which the worm may download a file and execute it.

The worm patches the following API's in memory:

* DNS_Query_A
* DNS_Query_UTF8
* DNS_Query_W
* Query_Main
* sendto

The worm monitors DNS requests to domains containing any of the following strings and blocks access to these domains so that it will appear that the network request timed out:

* ahnlab
* arcabit
* avast
* avg.
* avira
* avp.
* bit9.
* ca.
* castlecops
* centralcommand
* cert.
* clamav
* comodo
* computerassociates
* cpsecure
* defender
* drweb
* emsisoft
* esafe
* eset
* etrust
* ewido
* f-prot
* f-secure
* fortinet
* gdata
* grisoft
* hacksoft
* hauri
* ikarus
* jotti
* k7computing
* kaspersky
* malware
* mcafee
* microsoft
* nai.
* networkassociates
* nod32
* norman
* norton
* panda
* pctools
* prevx
* quickheal
* rising
* rootkit
* sans.
* securecomputing
* sophos
* spamhaus
* spyware
* sunbelt
* symantec
* threatexpert
* trendmicro
* vet.
* virus
* wilderssecurity
* windowsupdate

It contacts one of the following sites to get the current date:


It then checks to see whether the date on the compromised computer is at least the 1st of January 2009.

The worm will then generate a list of domain names based upon this date in the following format:

Note: [TOP LEVEL DOMAIN] represents the following top level domains:

* .biz
* .info
* .org
* .net
* .com
* .ws
* .cn
* .cc

Note: [GENERATED DOMAIN NAME] represents the domain names created by the worm such as the following example list of domain names generated for January 1, 2009:


The worm then contacts the following remote location based on the domain names generated:

It will then download an updated copy of itself from this remote location.

The worm may also receive and execute files through a peer-to-peer mechanism by communicating with other compromised computers. These files would need to be seeded into the network of worms by the malware author.

Symantec Security Response encourages all users and administrators to adhere to the following basic security "best practices":

* Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet to services that should not be publicly available. By default, you should deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly want to offer to the outside world.
* Enforce a password policy. Complex passwords make it difficult to crack password files on compromised computers. This helps to prevent or limit damage when a computer is compromised.
* Ensure that programs and users of the computer use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task. When prompted for a root or UAC password, ensure that the program asking for administration-level access is a legitimate application.
* Disable AutoPlay to prevent the automatic launching of executable files on network and removable drives, and disconnect the drives when not required. If write access is not required, enable read-only mode if the option is available.
* Turn off file sharing if not needed. If file sharing is required, use ACLs and password protection to limit access. Disable anonymous access to shared folders. Grant access only to user accounts with strong passwords to folders that must be shared.
* Turn off and remove unnecessary services. By default, many operating systems install auxiliary services that are not critical. These services are avenues of attack. If they are removed, threats have less avenues of attack.
* If a threat exploits one or more network services, disable, or block access to, those services until a patch is applied.
* Always keep your patch levels up-to-date, especially on computers that host public services and are accessible through the firewall, such as HTTP, FTP, mail, and DNS services.
* Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread threats, such as .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr files.
* Isolate compromised computers quickly to prevent threats from spreading further. Perform a forensic analysis and restore the computers using trusted media.
* Train employees not to open attachments unless they are expecting them. Also, do not execute software that is downloaded from the Internet unless it has been scanned for viruses. Simply visiting a compromised Web site can cause infection if certain browser vulnerabilities are not patched.
* If Bluetooth is not required for mobile devices, it should be turned off. If you require its use, ensure that the device's visibility is set to "Hidden" so that it cannot be scanned by other Bluetooth devices. If device pairing must be used, ensure that all devices are set to "Unauthorized", requiring authorization for each connection request. Do not accept applications that are unsigned or sent from unknown sources.
* For further information on the terms used in this document, please refer to the Security Response glossary.


New Variants of W32.Downadup.B

Symantec has observed an increase in infections relating to W32.Downadup over the holiday period and is urging organizations to apply the patch for Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability as soon as possible.

A new variant of this threat, called W32.Downadup.B, appeared on December 30th and can not only propagate by exploiting the Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, but can also spread through corporate networks by infecting USB sticks and accessing weak passwords. These propagation methods are nothing new; W32.Spybot, W32.Randex, and W32.Mytob variants all use almost identical methods to spread, but this variant requires more effort to protect corporate networks.

W32.Downadup.B creates an autorun.inf file on all mapped drives so that the threat automatically executes when the drive is accessed. The threat then monitors for drives that are connected to the compromised computer in order to create an autorun.inf file as soon as the drive becomes accessible. The worm also monitors DNS requests to domains containing certain strings and blocks access to those domains so that it will appear that the network request timed out. This means infected users may not be able to update their security software from those websites. This can be problematic as worm authors generally dish out new variants constantly.

Symantec researchers are seeing considerable detections of both variants of W32.Downadup and W32.Downadup.B. As illustrated by the following infection maps based on data from the past 60 days, the infections are geographically quite widespread. The highest infection rates typically correspond to countries with high rates of computer/Internet usage.

Symantec strongly encourages users to patch their system against the Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, take steps to control the execution of applications referenced in the autorun.inf files that may be located on removable and network drives, and enforce a strong password policy on all computers within their networks. Particularly during holiday periods patch updates can be missed and is an opportune time for malware to spread. Consider implementing an automated patch management solution to help mitigate risk.

Click here to obtain more information about how to prevent a threat from spreading using the "AutoRun" feature.

For more detail on the evolution and infection statistics of this threat, check out the earlier Security Response blog posting - W32.Downadup Infection Statistics - posted on January 6th.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Informasi mengenai virus dari Yahoo messenger

Ini informasi saya dapat dari rekan saya :

Bgini infonya:
"Buat jaga2 aja ya, kalo ada seseorang dengan nama, hendak menambahkan anda di YM jangan diterima, itu virus yg paling populer. beritahu semua orang yang ada dalam list YM Anda, sebab jika mereka menambahkan maka Anda juga akan mendapat virus tsb. Beritahu semua orang dalam list YM Anda untuk tidak membuka kiriman apapun dari cikoi_sons, ha5rul dan frenzck2. Nama2 itu merupakan virus yg berfungsi untuk membunuh hard drive."

Kalo bisa Sampaikan surat ini ke setiap orang dalam list YM Anda. Apabila ada teman-teman yang mendapatkan informasi orang selain yang diatas diharapkan meninggalkan comment disini.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cara memasang sitemap di blogger

Setelah beberapa hari ini saya mencari bagaimana cara memasang file sitemap.html pada blogger akhirnya saya menemukan solusinya. Karena salah satu caranya spider google supaya mudah mengindex, dengan di arahkannya ke sitemaps. Ada 4 kemungkinan yang bisa di arahkan yaitu :

- atom.xml
- rss.xml
- feeds/posts/default
- feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

Ada kemungkinan bahwa dengan menggunakan satu target sitemap proses index halaman tidak selalu berhasil, diharapkan untuk memberikan alamat sitemap cadangan / backup. Alamat sitemap tersebut diatas boleh dipakai semua.
Cara membuat Format Feed cadangan di Sitemaps:

Pada menu Sitemaps, kemudian silahkan pilih Add Sitemap. Pada combo box silahkan pilih Add general Sitemap lalu masukan pilihan feed default diatas.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Elite politik konflik....?

Disayangkan Sikap SBY soal "Konflik" Golkar-Demokrat. Sangat disayangkan negeri kita yang sedang dilanda bencana seharusnya para elite politik memikirkan kita, sebagai rakyat bangsa Indonesia bukannya malah konflik sendiri, bukankah itu malah menambah masalah negara. Ini bisa juga disebabkan terlalu banyaknya partai baru yang bermunculan akhir-akhir ini. Lebih efisien apabila memiliki partai hanya 3 saja. Perpecahan yang terjadi akan semakin menurun, dikarenakan rakyat hanya memilih 3 partai saja dan tidak terlalu rumit untuk proses mengurus negara.

Yang terjadi sekarang ini melewati batas undang-undang yang berlaku. Dasar negara kita sudah di pandang sebelah mata. Pancasila kapan engkau akan pulih kembali menyembuhkan betapa sakitnya bangsa Indonesia saat ini.


Indonesia jangan terlalu banyak import

Setelah saya baca salah satu rubrik kompas Malaysia Siap Ekspor Listrik ke Indonesia , Indonesia akan import listrik. Himbauan saja untuk para pemimpin bangsa, kita sebagai bangsa yang besar janganlah sedikit-sedikit import, karena import cuman akan menguras kas negara. Lebih berprestasi lagi kalau kita bisa export, kita akan mendapat masukan untuk kas negara. Kita bangsa yang besar diharapkan untuk bisa mandiri dalam menghadapi segala masalah, apabila memang sulit untuk di pecahkan masalahnya, yang paling signifikan dalam masalah bangsa sekarang ini adalah makanan pokok kita alias beras.

Jangan sampai beras menjadi sangat mahal sekali (sekarang diatas 3000). Manusia akan rela mengorbankan segalanya asalkan mereka bisa makan untuk memenuhi kehidupan sehari-harinya. Untuk para penemu dan para pemikir di Indonesia juga janganlah di abaikan karena dengan jasa mereka, bisa membawa kita ke negeri yang lebih maju dari sekarang. Masalah kebutuhan pokok jangan terlalu di abaikan, karena itu adalah masalah sumber utama, dikarenakan harga-harga yang lain akan mengikuti dari masalah dasar


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tragedi Villa Puncak

Namaku Marie, usiaku 26 tahun dan bekerja di salah satu bank swasta di Bekasi. Ketika bencana itu terjadi, usiaku baru 24 tahun. Saat itu aku sedang menghabiskan weekend di sebuah villa di kawasan Puncak. Aku memang hanya sendiri. Tiada tujuan lain selain menghilangkan kepenatan di segarnya udara Puncak tanpa gangguan siapa pun. Tragisnya kesendirianku itu justru menghilangkan satu-satunya harta yang paling berharga bagiku, kegadisanku.
Ceritanya sore itu aku berendam di air hangat. Kira-kira jarum jam menunjukkan pukul tujuh lima belas menit petang hari. Udara dingin Puncak yang sejak tadi siang diguyur gerimis membuatku enggan bangun dari bathub. Kubersihkan tubuhku dengan sabun cair sampai pada kemaluanku yang masih bisa kubanggakan karena aku belum sekalipun melakukan hubungan badan. Karena air bath tub sudah agak dingin kuputuskan untuk mengakhiri acara mandiku.
Aku berdiri di depan cermin kamar mandi sambil menghanduki rambutku yang basah. Kupandangi tubuh telanjangku di cermin besar yang dapat memuat bayangan tubuhku secara penuh itu. aku tersenyum sendiri memandang wajah indoku yang bersih dari jerawat. Omaku memang asli Belanda. Lalu aku alihkan pandanganku pada dua buah payudaraku yang bulat dan gempal. Ukurannya 36, dengan tinggi badan yang 173 cm dan berat 54 kg. Aku usap-usap kedua payudaraku yang tegang kedinginan. Pandanganku kemudian beralih pada satu-satunya bagian terpeka, kemaluanku yang ditumbuhi bulu-bulu yang tak lebat. Jelas telihat bagian gemuk itu terbelah di tengahnya. Ah.. inilah hartaku yang termahal, pikirku sambil membelainya.
Tiba-tiba seseorang membuka pintu dari depan. Aku tersentak kaget karena seharusnya tak ada orang lain di villa ini. Seorang pemuda berbadan tegap segera menerobos masuk. Lalu ia segera menyeretku keluar kamar mandi. Aku berusaha berontak tapi tenagaku tak cukup untuk melawan tenaga pria itu.
“Hallo Nona manis, boleh kami mampir sebentar?”, sapa pemuda lain yang telah menunggu di kamar tidur.“S.. siapa kalian? Pergi! Pergi dari sini!”, rontaku.Pemuda yang menyeretku tadi telah memasung kedua tanganku di kedua tiang penyangga atap. Posisiku terpasung tapi kakiku masih bebas tak terikat.“Tenang, Nona manis. Namaku adalah Leo”, kata pemuda yang mengikatku.Wajahnya bersih dan tampan, nampak seperti anak orang kaya.“Dan aku Syam. Kami hanya mampir untuk bersenang-senang Nona”, lanjut pemuda jangkung yang tadi menyeretku.Tubuhnya lebih kurus daripada Leo tapi wajahnya juga sedap dipandang, walaupun terkesan agak beringas.“Ma.. mau apa kalian? Tidak sopan!”, bentakku.“Ha.. galak juga, Leo. Heh perawan! Siapa namamu?”, bentak Syam mencengkeram rahangku hingga terasa sakit.“Sabar Syam, tanya baik-baik. Nona manis, siapa nama dari tubuh aduhai ini?”, kata Leo mengelus-elus pinggangku.Syam melepaskan cengkeramannya. Rahangku terasa sangat ngilu.“M.. Marie. Tolong kalian segera keluar dari villa ini, aku mohon”, rengekku.“Enak saja! Kami sudah masuk, mana mungkin keluar tanpa membawa hasil”, jawab Syam yang lebih cepat marah.Leo menepuk bahu Syam. Syam mundur beberapa langkah.“Marie.. kami mampir khusus untuk menikmati kecantikanmu. Lihatlah, kau memiliki tubuh yang sangat sensual. Juga wajah yang cantik, sayang kalau tidak dinikmati. Syam! Lihatlah bibir nona Marie ini, bukankah sangat sexy?”, kata si Leo sambil segera menyerang bibirku.
Syam hanya tersenyum membiarkan Leo memagut bibirku dengan rakus. Tercium bau alkohol dari mulutnya. Aku ingin meronta tapi mulutku telah dijejali dengan lidah Leo. Kakiku menendang-nendang tapi tenaga Leo lebih kuat. Tangan kanannya mencengkeram leherku mencegahku menghindar dari pagutannya. Sedang telapak tangan kirinya digosok-gosokkan ke permukaan kemaluanku dengan kasar. Lidahnya terus menjilat-jilat menghisap-hisap lidahku dengan rakusnya. Darahku serasa naik antara rasa sakit dan nikmat. Tapi aku masih waras, kutekuk kakiku sehingga mengenai kejantanannya yang mulai tegang. Leo mengaduh kesakitan. Ia nampak misuh-misuh dan ingin memukulku tapi Syam mencegahnya. Leo menunduk sambil memegangi kejantanannya. Syam mendekatiku sambil membuka kaos yang pakainya. Nampak dada bidangnya yang ditumbuhi bulu-bulu halus.
“Sabarlah sayang, akan terasa indah bila kau mau menikmatinya”, kata Syam.Lalu lelaki jangkung itu mencium bibirku dengan lembut menggigit bibir bawahku perlahan-lahan lalu menyodokkan lidahnya menyusuri benda-benda yang bisa dijangkaunya. Ternyata Syam tidak sekasar yang kukira. Kelembutannya mencumbu bibirku membuatku bagai diperlakukan seperti seorang kekasih. Darahku mendesir-desir. Lidahku pun menyambut lidah Syam yang meminta-minta. Tangan Syam menggerayangi punggungku dan terus turun ke bawah lalu berlabuh di bokongku. Diremas-remasnya mengikuti desah nafas Syam yang sudah mulai naik turun. Jemari tangan itu mengitari bokongku. Jemarinya bermain di bibir vaginaku dengan lembut. Jiwaku rasanya mau terbang. Aku mengharapkan sentuhan itu lebih lama. Tapi tidak, Syam segera mengalihkan jemarinya kembali ke bokongku. Tanpa kusadari Syam menyuntikkan sesuatu, aku tak tahu itu apa. Hanya belum sampai hitungan kesepuluh kepalaku terasa berat. Mataku berkunang-kunang.
Terdengar tawa kedua pemuda itu sayup-sayup. Rupaya mereka telah menyuntikkan semacam obat perangsang ke dalam tubuhku. Tubuhku terasa kejang. Darahku naik ke ubun-ubun. Hawa dingin terasa menjadi panas. Aku menggeliat-geliat menahan birahiku yang melaju tanpa rem. Bibirku mendehem-dehem. Kemaluanku terasa hangat, payudaraku nampak bengkak dengan sendirinya. Gelora birahiku melonjak-lonjak. Seperti ada kekuatan yang mendorongku untuk segera bercinta dengan mereka, ingin agar mereka segera menggerayangiku, mencumbuku, ohh.. Bajingan! Mereka hanya tertawa-tawa melihatku bersimbah keringat, berkelojotan menahan birahiku. Apa mereka tak tahu aku ingin segera mereka sentuh..“Syamm.. Leo.. kenapa kalian hanya diam saja.. kemarilah.. aku.. ingin..”Tawa mereka semakin lebar.“Syam, tadi dia menolak sekarang?! Ha..ha..”“Ayo Leo, bidadari kita ini sudah tak sabar rupanya”
Samar-samar kulihat keduanya membuka semua pakaian yang melekat di tubuh masing-masing. Nampak penis-penis yang besar menegang menantang. Kemudian keduanya mengundi siapa dulu yang menggarapku. Ternyata Syam. Ia mendekatiku dan kembali mencumbu bibirku, tubuhnya menempel erat di tubuhku. Sehingga dadanya yang bidang menempel dengan kedua payudaraku yang telah menegang. Tangannya meremas-remas bokongku yang montok lalu membelai-belai selakangku yang telah tersendal-sendal oleh penisnya yang mengacung-acung. Ohh.. bagai terbang ke awan. Kemudian iapun menurun dan mendapati kedua payudaraku. Matanya berbinar-binar. Diciuminya dadaku hingga terasa hangat nafasnya lalu dimasukkannya nipples-ku ke dalam mulutnya. Aku mendesah-desah ketika nipples-ku dijilat-jilat lalu dihisap kuat-kuat oleh lidah lincahnya.“Oah.. auh.. Syamm..”
Leo yamg mulai tak sabar segera melepaskan kedua ikatan tanganku. Lalu ia ikut bergabung dengan melumat bibirku dari arah samping. Tanganku menjambak-jambak rambut Syam sambil meladeni Leo. Kini gerakannya lebih lembut walau tak selembut Syam. Sepuluh menit kemudian mereka melepaskan mulutnya dari tubuhku. Aku terkulai di lantai memandangi kedua payudaraku yang terasa sangat berat membengkak, nampak beberapa bekas gigitan Syam.
Samar-samar terlihat Leo berdiri diatas tubuhku. Ia mengacung-acungkan penisnya yang besar menegang dan memintaku untuk mengulumnya. Aku bangkit dari tidurku dan tak berapa lama penis berkulit kecoklatan itu telah masuk ke dalam mulutku. Leo mengelus-elus rambutku sambil terus menyodokkan penisnya ke dalam mulutku. Aku mengulumnya, lidahku menyapu semua bagian benda panjang itu. Leo mengocok-ngocoknya berirama hinga ujungnya menyemburkan cairan sperma.“Syam! Aku keluar Syam! Keluar.., aarrghh..”, teriak Leo.
Aku ingin memuntahkannya tapi Leo mencegahnyanya dengan terus menyodokkan penisnya.“Telan sayang, telan..”, terdengar suara Syam yang telah meremas-remas kemaluanku yang terasa lengket dari belakang.Perlahan-lahan Syam menuntunku untuk menungging. Kakiku bertumpu pada lutut sedang tanganku berpegangan pada kedua paha Leo. Aku tak tahu apa yang diperbuat Syam. Yang kurasakan hanya nikmatnya penis Leo. Tak kuduga tiba-tiba terasa ada benda asing yang masuk ke dalam lubang vaginaku.“Aaah..”, teriakku tertahan.
Gigiku menggigit penis Leo nenahan rasa nyeri di lubang kewanitaanku itu. Leo berjingkat-jingkat menahan rasa sakit sambil misuh-misuh. Tapi Syam bagai tak peduli terus berusaha menerobos tirai-tirai kewanitaanku. Hingga akhirnya jebol, darah mengucur sampai pada pahaku. Aku menangis tersendat-sendat tapi Syam semakin asyik memainkan penisnya di memekku. Memasukkannya beberapa senti lalu mengeluarkannya, belum sampai keluar sudah disodokkannya lagi. Sperma muncrat ke dalam lubang vaginaku. Dalam tangis jiwaku seakan melayang. Sejujurnya aku sangat menikmatinya saat itu. Terasa sangat indah ketika Syam menggoyang-goyangkan penisnya di dalam lubang vaginaku.
Sekitar pukul sepuluh malam. Keringatku mengucur deras. Aku telentang di lantai. Di sampingku nampak Syam yang juga terengah-engah. Tapi Leo ternyata belum puas. Dicumbunya kelaminku dengan lidahnya. Licah menyusuri dinding-dinding vaginaku menghisap-hisap klitorisku dengan gemas. Mataku berkejap-kejap menahan nikmat yang tercipta. Selakangku mengatup mencengkeram kepala Leo agar tak pergi dari kemaluanku. Sepuluh menit kemudian Leo memasukkan jari tengahnya dengan mudah ke dalam lubang memekku. Untuk kedua kalinya pertahananku jebol. Cairan kewanitaanku muncrat membasahi telunjuk Leo. Ditariknya jari tengah Leo yang bersarung di memekku. Tanpa rasa jijik dijilatnya jari tengah yang berlumuran cairan kewanitaanku itu dengan senyum kepuasan.
Terdengar suara orang ronda diluar melintas di depan villa. Maka dengan tergesa-gesa Syam dan Leo mengenakan pakaiannya lalu melompat dari jendela kamarku meninggalkanku dalam keadaan sangat lemah. Aku berusaha menjerit memanggil-manggil penjaga ronda keliling itu. Tapi suaraku bagai tersumbat. Belum sampai sepuluh hitungan pandanganku telah gelap gulita. Tamat


The 411 on the 502

As many of you know, since becoming a part of Google in June of 2007, the FeedBurner team has been hard at work transforming FeedBurner into a service that uses the same underlying architecture as many other Google applications, running in the same high-volume datacenters. As a team, we chose this path for one reason: our highest priority is making sure your feed is served as fast as possible after you update your content, and is as close as technically possible to being available 100% of the time.

As many of you also know, a month ago we opened up ability for all AdSense publishers to move to this new platform, and just a few days ago made this move available to all FeedBurner publishers. What many of you do not know is that we have been carefully moving publishers for about six months now, looking hard at traffic patterns, debugging issues with these account transfers with publishers and their hosting and service providers, and working with many of our partners (including many other teams at Google) who run feed aggregation platforms to ensure feeds from this new platform are polled and distributed as fast and reliably as possible. (One example: we moved over 100 external Google blogs and their respective FeedBurner feeds over to the new platform as soon as we could; charity (and bug-fixing) begins at home!)

We are very aware of our responsibility to the RSS ecosystem. We are aware we host and provide service to not only some of the largest publishers, but also the feed for your site, the feeds that you rely on for mission-critical news and information, and even some feeds government provides to distribute information on a timely basis to their citizens. We know that many of you run businesses that critically depend on your feed being delivered quickly and reliably, and thus have been working with many of you to ensure that these feeds are delivered in tandem with a monetization solution that allows you to continue business as we go through this transition. FeedBurner has the privilege of serving millions of feeds globally that represent an incredibly wide spectrum of content.

It is this scale however, that makes our transition to Google's platform technically complex, and as we have started to open up account transfers to all users, it has also amplified the permutations of publisher web server configs, service providers, feed readers, search engines, and so on, and so on. We want to ensure that the time we spend tackling this technical complexity is not mistaken for lack of urgency, concern, or priority.

Just as an example, we are aware and have been working on a known issue of returning a "502 Error" or "503 Error" when checking for updates after certain feeds are migrated. This is a very general error message, representing a number of underlying issues, but in many cases it is a service provider throttling or disallowing traffic from Google. Although we came across many of these issues during our testing phase, in reality we knew a lot of these challenges would not fully surface until we released at scale, which we now have and are dealing with as high priority issues within Google.

To help communicate these issues and resolutions much more effectively, we have created a new blog and feed that you can subscribe to during this transition period. We plan to keep these around as long as necessary. We may also add features to the site that allow you to report your own feed issue details.

The extended team — including both original team members of FeedBurner, newer team members that joined us since we've been at Google, and the rest of Google — is excited about our future on this new integrated-with-Google platform that all publishers will be on at the conclusion of this account transfer process. We are excited because we see the potential for scale and innovation on this platform that will make for a true next generation feed management solution. Most of all, however, we are excited about getting publishers excited for these possibilities as we reveal what we have in store.


Intro to Feed Placements

In times like these, we know that generating as much revenue as possible is on many publishers' minds. This will be the first of many posts that will hope to explain how to better configure AdSense for feeds to help maximize revenue.

Before going into specifics though, it's important to understand a couple important differences in how your subscribers are different from visitors on your website. If you use an analytics package for your site such as Google Analytics, most publishers will see that a large amount of their traffic comes from web searches. Many of these visitors may have been searching for a certain item, such as one of those blankets with sleeves and a hood - let's call it a shanket. You happen to have written about how much you love your shanket, and let's face it, you know how to write with the best of them, so your page ranks high in search results.

That visitor may see an ad for a shanket next to your search result but wants to know more. So he or she clicks and reads your post, which seals the deal on this visitor needing a new shanket. You use AdSense for content, which includes ads for shankets that are matched contextually; the visitor clicks; a shanket is sold; and you earn revenue in the process.

Your feed subscribers, however, very rarely, if at all, get to your content from a web search. On the contrary, they subscribe to your blog because you write entertaining musings about your family life, and occasionally also write about some of the wonderful products you have come across, such as your shanket.

Because of this, the types of advertisers that run campaigns targeted at your feeds are not necessarily the same advertisers that are targeting search users. Instead of targeting keywords that match a search, advertisers wishing to use feed subscribers target placements in the Google Content Network.

How do you ensure that your placements are exposed effectively in the Google Content Network?

That's the easy part. When setting up new feeds on the AdSense Setup tab, make sure you leave the box that says "Create a channel that allows advertisers to target the selected feed." If you are creating a new channel that aggregates all of your feeds or subsets of your feeds that you would like to show to advertisers (highly recommended), make sure by selecting the "Show this channel to advertisers as an ad placement."

In a week or so, these placements will show up in AdWords and some of the other tools used by Google advertisers to target the content network.


What kind of revenues can i earn from adsense ?

The Google advertisements which are displayed on your pages of contents can be paid with the costs per click (CPC) or the cost for thousand impressions (CPM), whereas those diffused by the AdSense program for the search function are paid by the costs per click (CPC). That means that the advertisers pay either when a user clicks on an advertisement, or when their advertisement is displayed on your site. By your side, you perceive a part of the sum paid by the advertisers for these two types of activity on your Web site.

To determine your potential incomes you have to register and start to display/post advertisements on your Web pages. The inscription is free of charge and is supplied with no obligation, and the implementation of the program is very fast.

Once the inscription done, you will be able to determine your incomes at any time while connecting you on your account Google AdSense. The ratios contain the following informations: overall number impressions of pages and units of advertisements, many clicks on advertisements, rate of clicks, cost for thousand impressions (CPM), effective and total revenue. You will be able to thus make you an idea of the performances of your site and advertizing revenues which you will be able to bring out in the executive of this program.


The 7 things you should never do

1. Webmasters can make AdSense more successful by focusing on attracting more visitors to their sites. There are several ways to accomplish this. Improving content is critical, as visitors are more likely to view the site when it holds quality material. Market to the right people, and take every opportunity to give the website URL exposure.
2. Develop a mailing list, create a newsletter, offer a free item to encourage sign-ups, and publish a form on the website that allows visitors to request more information. This is all free advertising, which keeps viewers aware of the website and encourages new viewers to visit. The more of it that is done, the faster traffic will increase and the more clicks on Google ads you will get and the more money you will make.
3. Since AdSense is web based, you must have a website or blog to participate. This is not a problem. There are dozens of free websites and blogs you can get. Just do a web search. Once your website or blog is ready and the contents optimized, you can submit your application to Google. The AdSense program is not just for high page rank sites as some seem to think. Brand-new sites or blogs also qualify. Try the free They are owned by Google and have AdSense built into their platform.
4. The Google AdSense program is a great way to earn an additional income for most webmasters and a big income for some who have made it the main source of revenue.
5. Do update your websites and keep them fresh with new content. Google loves it when you add new content to your websites. You might even want to consider adding a blog and a forum to your AdSense websites. Blogs and forums are great sources of new updated content. If you add a blog make sure you add it right to your websites, ie:
6. Do take all of the articles you write for your website content and submit them to the article directories. My favorite article directories are,,, and now the newest one Once your articles are approved by the article sites you’ll start to see results in the search engines. In addition other website owners and bloggers that pick up your articles to add to their sites will provide backlinks to your AdSense Niche Sites from the links you provide in your “resource box” and the more backlinks you receive the higher your site will rank in the search engines. Do write lots and lots of articles and keep submitting them on a regular basis. These same articles can be added to your website as new content and visa versa so you only have to write the content once and use it twice.
7. Do build your AdSense websites with the primary intent to provide good content and earn revenues with AdSense. If you spend the time developing an informative website and drive free traffic to it you will make money with AdSense. Some niches will make more money than others…but your cost to develop these AdSense sites is your time so every “Cent” you earn is just pure profit beyond the cost of your time.


Six ways to experiment with AdSense and grow your earnings

Welcome to our first-ever guest blog post on Inside AdSense. We're thrilled to have none other than Blogging Evangelist himself, Darren Rowse, to share his expert tips on AdSense optimisation.

Darren first discovered blogging in 2002, and initially thought he'd turn it into a hobby to supplement his full-time job. These days, Darren runs a handful of successful blogs, his most popular being Digital Photography School, and has co-authored a book. He also posts regular tips and advice on, a respected and successful resource for bloggers around the world.

We recently caught up with Darren at his home office in Melbourne Australia, and asked him about his experience with Google AdSense.

October 4, 2003 is a date I'll never forget - that was a day that my life changed. It was the day that I discovered AdSense and added it to my very first blog. I added that first advertisement to my blog on a whim, with what I thought was the lofty dream that I might be able to pay for my blogs hosting costs. Over 5 years later, those little text ads have paid my mortgage, fed my family, and enabled me to move my blogging from a hobby, to a part time job, to a full time job and beyond.

It's not been an 'overnight success' by any means but as I've learned to use it, AdSense has been one of my highest online income streams.

My #1 Tip for Using AdSense

If I had to narrow my advice on using AdSense down to a single word it would be 'experiment'. Let me explain.

That day back in October of 2003 I had no idea on what I was doing. The next day when I logged in to see how much I'd earned it was barely enough to buy me a coffee.

However, on that day I decided that those few dollars in earnings showed potential and I determined within myself to learn how best to use AdSense to grow that income. Almost everything I've learned since that day has been through trial and error.

It has been a long process of testing and tracking results. You see, while there are a few good home truths that seem to work on most sites, every website that I've used AdSense on is different. Some things work well on some sites, but it is rare to find something that will work on every site. As a result I tend to experiment with my use of AdSense in these six ways:

1. Ad Position - Most AdSense publishers have seen the neat little heat map that AdSense has produced to show where ads work best on websites. In general it works fairly well and is a great place to start, but make sure you experiment with new positions for ads and see what works best for your site.

Hint: Ads near (or even surrounded by) content have worked the best. I've also found ads at the end of content perform well. People get to the end of reading your article and then are looking for something to do or click -- an ad positioned there can work well.

2. Numbers of Ads - More ads earn more than less ads... don't they? Unfortunately it isn't always the case.

Test different combinations and numbers of ad units on your site. There's usually a 'tipping point' where you hit a ceiling of how many ads your users will accept -- push it too far and you could hurt reader engagement, traffic, and in the long run your earnings. On the flip side of this, don't be afraid to have more than one or two ads on a page, particularly if you have long pages with lots of content.

3. Ad Design - I can still see the first ads that I first used on my blog back in 2003. I can still see them because they fried their imprints into my retina -- they were so LOUD!

I figured that the ads would do best if people noticed them so I went for the most crazy color scheme I could come up with. Over the years I began to experiment with different combinations of ads and found that more subtle or blended ads tended to work best for me. Having said that, you can sometimes blend too much, to the point that the ads become invisible to your reader. So test different colors and designs of ads to see which work best. Use the ad rotating tool that AdSense offer publishers to rotate different designs to work against ad blindness among regular readers.

4. Ad Sizes - AdSense offers us a range of different ad sizes, so experiment with them all to see which works best. Hint: Some might think that the bigger the ad the better it performs. This is not always true.

For example, I found that the 'large rectangle' ad (336 x 280) didn't work as well for me as the smaller 'medium rectangle' ad (300 x 250). It turns out that more advertisers (at least those in my niche) prefer the medium rectangle ad as it's a more standard ad unit size than the larger one. Again, the key is to experiment and see what works best for your site and niche.

5. Ad Formats - I've found that choosing image and text ads works better than just choosing text ads, but that's not the only choice we get as AdSense publishers.

AdSense also allow us to run link units, AdSense for search, etc. I've found that each of these different formats will work differently from site to site. I've had blogs where the link unit ads were the best performing units on the site while on other sites it didn't really perform at all. You'll never know unless you test it!

6. Which Content Converts? - One of the best advances that AdSense has made in the last year has been the integration between it and Google Analytics. To be honest I'm still digging into the metrics that this opens up, but the insight that this gives has amazing potential to increase earnings.

By looking at this data you can see what type of content is converting and what isn't. You can also see what type of traffic is converting and what isn't. For example, I've found that search engine referrals are converting better than traffic from social media sites on one of my blogs. Knowing this is powerful as it tells you what type of ads to serve to what types of traffic, what type of promotion to put effort towards, and what type of content to write more of.

Test Track Test Track....

There are books, blogs, articles, forums, and other kinds of resources available to AdSense publishers to help them learn how to use AdSense better. However, in my experience the best way to learn is to 'do'. Put time aside to try new things and then put more time aside to review what you learn.

But don't leave it at that. When you learn something -- test it against something else (do some research on A/B split testing to learn how to do this). This continual learning will help you to grow in your own expertise of AdSense and increase your earnings.


Payments by Western Union now available in Indonesia

We're excited to introduce Western Union Quick Cash as a new payment method for Indonesia. If you're located in Indonesia, you can now sign up to receive your AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. This payment method is quick, easy, and free -- that means no more waiting for checks to arrive in the mail or to clear at the bank.

A few things to keep in mind:

* Payments follow our normal payment schedule and will be available for pickup at your local Western Union agent the day after they are issued.

* You'll need to present a government-issued ID that matches your AdSense payee name when picking up your payment. If you need to update or correct the payee name listed in your account, please follow the instructions listed in our Help Center.

* Payments by Western Union are currently only available to individual payee names, but not to businesses.

* Payments must be picked up within 35 days of issue or they'll expire. If this happens, a payment hold will be placed on your AdSense account and the payment will be credited back to your account.

* Payments will be made in US dollars, but depending on your local Western Union agent, they may be picked up in your local currency.

Follow these instructions if you're interested in signing up for payments by Western Union. You can also find useful information in our Help Center about exchange rates and other countries where this payment method is available. We hope you enjoy using this new payment option in Indonesia!

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